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Old 10-04-2011, 11:16 AM   #1
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Default Cigar Tourism Announces 2012 Trip Plans

Cigar Tourism provides the BEST cigar trips available anywhere, nothing compares. Whether it’s Nicaragua or Dominican Republic, taste the best of where your are visiting. Stay in excellent hotels. Receive cigars every day. Hang out and smoke with the cigar-makers. Memories for a lifetime.

Nicaragua & Honduras Trip: The most popular Cigar Tourism trip is now even better. The whole Garcia family and some brand owners (possibly Pete Johnson) will be there. Get inside the secretive Padron Factory with Jorge Padron. Blend your own cigars and take some home.

Dominican Trip: You see more here than you see at ProCigar. Litto Gomez and Carlito Fuente are on my trip. It is like the best of Procigar + Litto & Carlos in a smaller group so you can have personal relationships with the cigarmakers.

Jan 29- Feb 2 Nicaragua (Places Available!)
Jan 22-26 Dominican Rep. (Places Available!)

Colin Ganley
Chief Editor USA - European Cigar Journal
- will be leading all trips currently scheduled.
“I will take participants behind the scenes and introduce them to the key players in the world of premium cigars. It doesn’t get much better than a good cigar behind the scenes in a great climate!” - CG

Details at:

Personal Note: I have been on two trips with Colin, one of which included my wife. Loved them both and learned so very much from so many cigar people. These trips are great for accumulating apprentice hours towards Tobacconist University Master Certification. One of the most telling stats about these trips, most people that go on one go on another one later. There is no other trip that will get you in to see as many cigar makers. Plus, the Nicaragua trip this year will include a trip to Honduras.
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