Originally Posted by Jemhidiah
seeing that my liga privada #9 box came in today and there calling my name.

Originally Posted by SteelCityBoy
I had the good fortune of being in the right place at the right time at the latest CI fest this past April and was given a handful of the Joya de Nicaragua 1970's. Being a newer cigar lover I didn't know much about them but was thankful for the genorosity nontheless! My first one was terrific! I believe I cut that one and afterwards tried to punch my next. I experienced the same draw issues as you. It is a good smoke in my opinion but it is packed very tight. I like a good draw, not loose, but not as tight as what this seemed. If I do smoke another it will likely have to be cut. Enjoy the LP9's you lucky dog!
I wish I could have been there! Next year fo sho!