Originally Posted by shilala
If they're real wet and you take the cello off and drybox them, they tend to get hard as a rock, while the inside stays too wet, and they burn and taste like crap.
It's best to get your humi down to around 60% and bring them down slowly, cello on. That can take months, but it is what it is.
There's no reason why you can't try it the way you mentioned. If the results meet your liking, then there ya go. It'll still take more than a couple days though. I'd think a week or two.
In any event, you know your problem is "too wet". There's all kinds of ways to remedy that. Keep trying suggestions till you find what makes you happy. 
Thanks, I took my meter out yesterday to check the room hum and it was @ 60% so I have opened the box and I am checking the reading on a regular basis to see how much it changes. I'll let you know how that works