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Old 09-27-2011, 01:30 PM   #28
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Thanks for chiming in Abe and giving us some insight of what will become of the two hour show and sorry if I offended you but I was just giving my honest input. I do feel like the show if getting better every week as I mentioned earlier. I imagine it can be challenging to put an entertaining show together live every week where you don't get to cut down and edit content. I know I wouldn't be able to knock it out of the park right out of the box. Someone just asked for an opinion and I gave mine honestly. Sometimes being up front and honest does have it's drawbacks. I will also be honest and say I have listened to every show so far and plan on continuing to listen and watch how it developes as it is definitely headed in the right direction and improving. And no it's not like I am not hanging out with supermodels every weekend by any means and I don't doubt that Lady M has her fan base. A woman who smokes cigars can be very appealing in itself to many but I honestly feel like she has yet to add any useful content to the show other than being the female voice. Again, just being honest even if it makes me the bad guy. I am not saying anything here that I would be afraid to tell you in person. Hell, my wife tells me all the time I am too blunt at times and should consider using a filter when speaking.
I do wish you guys the best of luck with the show and look forward to the longer shows and when you are able to broadcast from your own studio as you will be able to give instant reviews and feedback on what you are smoking as your working your way through sticks. Again, hopefully I did not offend you as that was not my intention as I know when things are posted on a public forum that anyone can read them and never doubted that you yourself may have read my feedback. I guess I could have and should have kept my opinions of Lady M to myself but again, I really need to learn to use a filter.
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