Thread: Games thread!
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Old 09-26-2011, 09:08 AM   #1210
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Default Re: Games thread!

After back-to-back 70+ hour weeks at work I finally got to play some games again yesterday

I bought Fallout: NV's expansion packs during the July 4th steam sales. I started onto the Dead Money expansion....and I've got to say I'm not a fan. There's certain gameplay elements they added in this expansion that really just serve to frustrate the player and limit their mobility. I found myself just getting frustrated with it after a couple of hours :/. Worst part is - you can't exit out of the DLC until you've finished the entire thing. I am now locked into a part of the game that I'm not enjoying and am required to finish it. I just hope that once I advance to the next section they remove some of the absurd limitations (I think I explained my frustration without spoiling anything...)

I picked up Company of Heroes and the expansions for $10. I've got a couple of friends that play all the time - figured this was a good chance to try it out for cheap. At that price if I play it for 3 hours then I consider it a pretty decent deal

I also picked up Civ5 when it was $16 not too long ago. That game EATS time. 4 hours went by in the blink of an eye.

Finally - Alpha Protocol. I've heard really good stuff about it and it is only $2 on steam until the 27th. Gotta make sure to pick it up tonight.

I'm getting increasingly excited for Battlefield 3 - any other PC players that are gonna pick it up?
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