Originally Posted by bvilchez
Devan, with a poli sci degree I know of one place for sure you can get into and with your prior military experience it would be a plus...State Department.
Check out their career fields they have. I've worked breifly at many embassies and the Regional Security Officer (RSO) is one who needs a degree in whatever field but play along the border of politics and national security and the embassy. Good pay and benefits.
But again like many others stated, besides making money, think of something you would have fun working at/in. If not then a job is just a job and you'll find yourself switching careers for something else.

Good info to share... something not everyone knows about.
Along the same lines, I know someone who is a US Gov't Courier with the State Dept... I believe it's the State Dept. If you like to travel, it's a great job. But if you want to stay "home" close to family, stay far away. Basically it's the courier's job to deliver/monitor sensitive packages around the world. Could be shipments too in cargo planes etc. The guy I know got the job a few years ago and started being based in Germany, now lives just north of Bangkok.