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Old 09-21-2011, 08:21 AM   #1
Will smoke for food
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maninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to behold
Default Well it's official!!

Just found out my wife and I are expecting our 3rd child!! We are nervous and excited as are our two boys. I just hope it's healthy. Now I need to find some celebratory smokes for now and when the baby is born. The due date is sometime in March. I got some names picked out if its a boy. If its a girl, my wife can name her. Now the wait begins!
Proud member of the GMCGTPWHAFA
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