Thread: CI Slacking?
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Old 09-20-2011, 03:44 PM   #27
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Default Re: CI Slacking?

Originally Posted by dwoodward View Post
Well wish I could have, but I just started a new job after looking for work for over a year. I have no money and ran out of sticks at some point before getting the job. My first paycheck came last week finally so I quickly ordered up some sticks to get me by for a little while. Took my job over a month to get me my first paycheck. Can't believe they are weeks behind on payment cycles. It's kinda dumb, but it pays better than no job.

It's not like I purposely waited last minute. I had no choice.
Your priorities are crossed. You should be more upset over your check than an order of cigars. In a way it is your fault for allowing them to slide on your payment for a month. Who does that in this day and age, there is no excuse. And call CI, they have crossed orders on my before and i've always got them to correct it or refund me lighting fast.
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