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Old 09-20-2011, 01:17 PM   #66
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Default Re: Sons Of Anarchy - Season 4

I ditched the cable this year, so I'm running about a day behind airing to watch. (God Bless the Interwebs!!)

The season's off to a great start with the first two episodes. I think the AUSA is a great replacement for Stahl (F@ck the B!tch!) as the government protagonist. I like his quirkiness. I think it'll be a nice change from Stahl's villany.

The new LEO adds an interesting twist. I won't lie. I yelled at my TV when he went after the table with the axe. I love that table. I asked the boyfriend if we could get a replica for our dining room table and he's not having it. The new sheriff will definitely make things interesting. He's taking a very aggressive stance. I can't wait to see how the MC retaliates for trashing their clubhouse.

I'm sensing a faster pace in this season, though it's a lil early to tell. Maybe Sutter heard his fans whining after last season's leisurely stroll through Ireland.

So stoked to have one of my fave shows active again.
A lost SOTL wandering the weird landscape of domesticity.
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