Originally Posted by elderboy02
What do you use to hunt with Mike?
Sorry I missed this earlier. I have a 12-gauge Remington 870 Express SuperMag that I shot my button buck with last year. It's a regular smooth bore barrel with a simply bead sight.
Like this:

I shot a rifled 2 3/4" slug. I hit it in the spine from about 40 yards away. I was aiming for vitals but I hit the spine at the base of the neck. It ricochet downward hitting the upper half of the opposite leg shattering the bone. It dropped where it was standing despite my poor shot.
I will be doing a little more practice this year with it before I take to the field during firearm season. I just picked up a 15.5 ft ladder stand I'll be putting up in the back yard as well. This will make it even safer given the downward trajectory of any errant or passthrough rounds. It also helps get me closer without giving away my postion.
I thought about picking up a cantilevered barrel which when mounted would look like this:

The cantilevered barrel is thicker, rifled, and has the scope mount rails. They sell combos with both for around $400. However, I paid $250 for mine and the separate cantilevered barrels run around $200.
For that same $200 I can buy a dedicated slug gun and not have to mess with swapping barrels. That is my recommendation for you. If you don't have a good 12-gauge shotgun then buy a combo. If you do have one, just find a good dedicated 12-gauge slug gun. Remington & Mossberg are both really good shotguns that are pretty easy on the wallet.