Thread: Ogre Gets 7 !!!
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Old 09-18-2011, 06:15 PM   #17
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Default Re: Ogre Gets 7 !!!

Originally Posted by ggainey View Post
There is a scale looking thingy at the bottom of your box with your name in it on the left of the posts. You can click on it and then proceed to bump someone or you can ding them which will take away points. You get the smoke rings based on how many bumps you get. It is universally recognized that they really don't mean much in most cases. I will use myself as an example, I have 8 rings and there are lots of folks here that don't have 8 yet, but have done way more than i for the good of CA than me.
Thanks everyone. It doesn't mean a thing without the people here!!! And Greg, don't sell yourself short. We stll need a whopping boy!!!!
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