Originally Posted by irratebass
I am no help here, but I sure someone will jump at this and help you.
I would contact whomever you got the box from and see about a refund or possible an exchange 1st of all and I would separate the infected from the others.
Sorry this happened to ya bro.
Thanks bro
Originally Posted by chippewastud79
Good thread, good info thanks
Originally Posted by T.G
Cellophane. Not plastic.
Silverfox posted a detailed thread here: How to Freeze and the Science behind it. Long Post
But the quick answer is 4-6 days in the freezer,. I like 6, it gives me some safety to make up for the fact that residential freezers don't keep a constant low temp, they cycle. Better to be safe than sorry later. After that, if you want to put them in the refrigerator for a day, go ahead, it won't hurt them, but it really isn't necessary. They have so little mass and water in them compared to what is normally found in freezers, that they thaw very quickly.
Best to freeze everything as it's hard to say what might still be harboring unhatched eggs.
No, not dangerous.
I will put them all in the freezer bud, better safe than sorry, pain in the arse the little bastards.
Originally Posted by Tbag
Smoke the little bugs out of their nest!