Originally Posted by kelmac07
By my lowly Bills at that. 
The Chiefs are my team. Must be our 26th rebuilding year. For the first time in my life they are advertising season tickets on television. You used to have to spend years on a waiting list to get season tickets. Every game was always a sell out. Now the stadium sits half empty. I think this city is tired of losers and excuses. For the love of all that is good please let this be Haley's last season. The guy is a moron and our team is a bunch of chumps.
Missouri is ranked (or was) and loses to a nobody team.
Iowa loses to worthless Iowa State.
Now I will spend the rest of the season cheering for whoever is playing against Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma.
You can call me a fair weather fan all you want but after a lifetime of supporting losers I am sick of it.