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Old 09-11-2011, 10:07 AM   #5
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Expensive!

Is this your first year really getting into cigars? Few years back I spent similar money. Midnight Madness on JR's or endless hours on Cbid. I was there late at night trying to get that special everyone is sleeping through. Then I would simply buy when everyone is up anyway so it made no difference. I wasn't bargain hunting. I was hunting to fill two 55 qt coolers and three desktops.

I was cutting 8-12 sticks a weekend. Especially in football season.

It'll wane. You won't be having three a day in a few months. Before you knwo it that investment will start to age which isn't a bad thing.

Now if you been smoking for a few years your in trouble. Cigars are an expensive hobby/habit to maintain. As you already know a pipe is much easier to afford.
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