This last Friday was I'm going to revive this thread and talk about it

. PS - wall of text incoming.
Setting: Our characters are in a prison. This prison burned down quite a few years ago, and has been left alone since. This prison burned down as a way to stop a prison break from occuring. The fire killed all of the guards and prisoners within.
We have already ventured through the first level (encountering many skeletons, skulls, ghosts and ghouls, etc). We decided to go up first, as it is known the the majority of the truely evil criminals were harbored in the basement. [Meta-gaming - we needed to level before going to the tougher monsters]
As we are exploring the top floor; we began to hear a song. A dirge, really. Its sad and sullen melodies called out to us. We continued exploring and eventually discovered the cause of this sound - it was a slender and shadowy figure [We deemed him "Slender man"]. He was quite some distance - approximately 30 yards - in a poorly lit room. We were standing in the middle of a row of holding cells and all of the doors were locked.
[Roll for perception] My fighter could barely make out a flute and a birdcage. Clearly the flute was the base of the dirge that we had been hearing...however it was now targeted. I could see the slender man point with the bird cage. [Roll for will save] I could not resist the dirge's melody any more. It was saddening, depressing, and demoralizing. As I stood in fear everything around me faded away. With the dirge still playing, I was in a dark room. I could hear, and then see, large mosquitos flying twards me.
The other adventurers that I am with are horrified to see the cell doors open and skeletons begin to exit them. The skeletons approach the group with the catatonic dwarf still in front.
[Note: the catatonic state has left my character defenseless. All attacks against me are considered a coup de grace opportunity and all attacks are criticals. For each hit against my character from here on I am required to roll DC10 + damage to avoid instant death. Not unconciousness, death. We are early enough in the game that no one would have the money to afford a resurrection - a death would result in a re-roll. The skeletons critical dice damage is 1d4 x2. This means that in any given roll I may need to roll an 18 or higher to survive. Through various bonuses (good and bad), all of my fortitude save rolls are +2, bringing the max down to 16.]
The alchemist in the group grabs a haunt siphon and tosses it at the slender man. [Roll d20 for hit - 17. Roll d20 for damage - 11]. He squirms and cries out in pain, while maintaining his dirge to paralyze the dwarf.
Two of the skeletons approach and attack the dwarf. Each skeleton deals 7 damage, leaving the 2nd level fighter with 11 HP. [Roll d20 to prevent coup de grace from the first skeleton - 15. Roll d20 to prevent coup de grace form the second skeleton - 15. The dwarf has survived the first round of attacks.]
The other character [I can't remember her class] approaches the dwarf and grants armor class...for some reason that no one has yet to figure out. For armor class is only used in not being hit up front and all attacks against my character automatically crit and cannot miss.
The human alchemist [I think that is the name of the class. Not 100% positive] throws a fire bomb into the group of skeletons [Roll d20 to hit - 20. Roll d20 to confirm critical - 20] The fire bomb lands precisely in the middle of the skeletons and turns them all (5 of them) to ash.
The slender man begins approaching the dwarf for the final kill. He gets to the dwarf lays down his bird cage to draw his dagger. He attacks the dwarf, dealing 3 damage. [Note: a coup de grace takes a full turn. By having to move to me he could not attempt a coup de grace.] The dwarf is left with 8 HP.
The alchemist throws a fire bomb at the slender man and does 5 damage, while the other character in the group uses a healing spell on the dwarf. The dwarf is now at 9 hp [Yay for a 1 roll].
The slender man rears back with his dagger to place the final blow on the dwarf. The slender man attacks [Roll 2d6 for damage - 6. This means that my character must roll a 16 before fort save, 15 after] and deals 6 damage to the dwarf leaving him at 3 hp. [Roll d20 for coup de grace avoidance - 20.]
The human alchemist again throws a fire bomb at the slender man and hits him for 7 damage. The slender man begins convulsing while on fire and screaming out in pain. As the dirge ends, the dwarf returns from her catatonic state. The group members notice holes appearing in the dwarf [due to the mosquitos]. The dwarf takes 2 damage, leaving him with 1 hp. The party hastily makes a bee-line for the exit to go back to the base and rest.
SUMMARY: My character spent 4 full rounds in imminent death. Through rolls of 15, 15, 20 my dwarven fighter managed to live to see another day. My hands were sweaty by the end of the fight, and I felt drained. Our group had been going at a really good pace all night and this just took the wind out of our sails. We did a few other small tasks before calling it quits for the night.
...pretty sure I get nerdier by the day haha
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