Originally Posted by Ogre
As to Dion's response. The problem with Email and texting is that it is one demential. He may have taken what you wrote vary serious and will follow up on it. I am sure he receives 100's of emails about his products (good and bad). I am impressed that at least he responded personally. He could have sent a canned response and just blow you off. I am not trying to make excuses for him, but look at what someone in his position deals with on a daily basses. just my two cents.
I agree, texting and e-mail do not convey the tone of a response; which often implies the good or ill-willed nature. I can surely understand your OP frustration at looking forward to a new cigar brand, being on a budget and having limited time (all of which I struggle with), but with a respected brand like Illusione I would suggest not letting one bad experience turn you off.
Illusione is right up there with my personal favorite non-CC brand and I haven't had a draw problem that I can recall.
PS - a glass of bourbon always buts things in perspective while you smoke