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Old 09-03-2011, 07:42 AM   #17
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Default Re: Illusione Ultra = Ultra bad!

Expecting perfection? Prepare for disappoinent.

Dion's response may have been a little tongue-in-cheek but understandably so.
I'm not saying you need to lower your expectations... But you might want to lower your expectations.

These are rolled up bunched of organic materials, selected and rolled by hand, that travel thousands of miles across land, sea and air, to reach your desktop Humidor, without you ever actually needing to set foot outside of your house if you so choose. Bear that in mind the next time you pull a cigar out to smoke it.

Something i started doing a while back really enhanced my experience while smoking cigars and helped me understand the reality of this luxury: Take a little extra time to try to imagine how many different sets of hands touched that product before your own. Try to imagine the face of the roller. Then of you still feel like you have been somehow slighted because your $9 illusione wasn't all you'd hoped for, consider that if you paid what you should for that cigar, or pretty much any other, most of us would not be able to afford to smoke anything at all.

Sorry you had a bad one, but you have to take the bad with the good. Keep on puffing and pursuing that perfect cigar, but don't be too disappointed if you never find it, most of the fun is in the pursuit anyway, right?!
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