Illusione Ultra = Ultra bad!
So, my brother gifted me an Illusione Ultra corona a few weeks back. I have never had an Illusione before, so I thought I would fire this sucker up. I cut it and then took a puff before I lit it and it was really tuff. So I go get a spearand try to poke it through to loosen up the knot in it. I had to put soo much force into getting the spear that it ended up bending and creating a hole in the wrapper. I figure, what the hell, I'll go ahead and try to light it. No luck! So I snip off the damaged wrapper part and try lighting it again. Still no dice! The draw was soo tight, I felt like I was puffing on a candle stick. Since it is unsmokable (and now that a $9 cigar is going straight to the trash), I take my exacto knife to it. Not only was the last third way to tightly rolled, but there were THREE loose twigs in there, each about 2-3 inches long and 2mm or so in diameter. Now I was really looking forward to smoking tonight, since I haven't had a cigar in 2.5 weeks. Thank you Illusione for ruining my night! I have four other Illusione cigars in my humidor that I'm thinking of using as compost!
So, what do you guys do in this situation? I can't take it back to the shop, since it's in another state and it was purchased like a month ago. I'm just really upset by this. I've smoked plugged cigars before, including a lot of plugged CC's, but this one was by far the worst! I took my torch lighter to it for about 3 minutes and couldn't even get the slightest amber on it. I'm really thinking of writing Illusione a letter..... but I doubt that will do anything!
Last edited by ZachF88; 09-02-2011 at 09:46 PM.