Getting sick from cigars.
So I've had my share of feeling light headed and feeling like fainting sometimes when I smoke a strong cigar...I hate it, but sometimes it happens. I've never got to a point to where I felt like I was going to throw up. Though, sometimes I wish I would just to get over the sickness feeling.
Last night, my brother and I went to a cigar event at a casino that has a cigar lounge and we each smoked 2 cigars in a respectable amount of time. We didn't chain smoke them and we took our time. We both smoked an HC Robusto (the event cigar) and then smoked something different afterward. I smoked an Ambos Mundos, which was very nice I may add, and my brother had a Tatuaje Havana VI. We both know how strong Tats can be sometimes but my brother said his wasn't that bad at all. He finished his cigar after I got done with mine and then we left to go home. We probably spent another 15 minutes before we actually left because we stopped into the cigar lounge to pick up some humipacks. Probably about 20-30 minutes after having the last cigar, we were driving and out of no where my brother (who was driving) suddenly didn't feel so well. He said he never felt light headed or anything from the cigars he smoked. He said that his hands instantly felt numb and ended up puking before he was able to pull over. Unfortunately spraying the driver side of the dash and steering wheel with a wonderful amount of icky stuff. Especially in a new car he just got an Audi A3.
So we finally get pulled over and I'm yelling, get out of the car now. And I rushed out (he thought I was going to puke cuz of him puking) but I was more worried about the interior of his car. He had no towels or anything in his car. But he did have aftermarket seat covers on the front seats just to keep the original seats cleaner so I pulled those off and used those to clean up what I could and found a sweatshirt in the back seat to use and he took his shirt off and used that. A State Patrol car pulled up and we told them what happened and they couldn't help much since they had no towels or anything. For the most part we cleaned up what we could and he headed straight home after dropping me off and finished cleaning. It was a crap load of projectile but we got most of it up and luckily he had the nice rubber floor mats that caught a lot of it that went on the floor. So the carpet was safe. The dash and steering wheel was fine, my only concern was the air vents for the AC/heat.
So yeah....he must have gotten sick from either one of the cigars he had. We both smoked the same cigar first and I felt fine from it and he said he did too. We both had dinner before the event as well. He got sick before and threw up another time (about a month ago) but he saw that one coming when he felt light headed already and what not. Luckily that time was outside out of view when that happened. Last night's incident just kind of happened out of nowhere since he felt fine after smoking the cigar.
Sorry for the long story.
So has anyone else had a surprise sickness from smoking a cigar?
My brother and I smoke Tats every so often since we both have a box or 2 in our own humidors, so it's not like anything new to us. And we've both smoked way stronger cigars before and came out feeling fine or a little buzzed but nowhere close to getting sick.
Any thoughts or similar situations?