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Old 08-30-2011, 11:36 AM   #639
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Default Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermeter?

Thanks, Gerard!
You are the second person to comment on the green, and I'm a bit lost.
The hops that the homebrew store gave me were little green pellets that resembled rabbit poop.
I tossed the poop directly into the boil.
I did not use a bag, nor did I filter anything.
What went into the boil went into the bucket, minus the sock of grains I steeped before I boiled.
Should I have done something different.
The directions that came with the recipe, or the other 2 I brewed since then, made no mention of additional steps.
Did I miss something?

Fwiw the brew is a perfect amber ale color, no hint of green in it.
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