Originally Posted by Tallman
Thank you. The cap was intact, I've tried to attach a photo and couldn't figure out how to resize it...I'll work on that tomorrow. The Ashton is now a happy memory. The humidor has a water tray, wick and fan, and I have a couple Bovedas scattered throughout. The hygrometer was recalibrated using the moist salt method about two weeks ago.
Originally Posted by CigarNut
One other thing that can cause wrappers to split is a big difference in humidity between what the cigars are stored at in your humidor and the ambient humidity where you are smoking.
I'm not sure that this is your problem, but it is something to be aware of.
Thank you ...RH here in NW Arkansas today is a smooooth 84%. I wouldn't think that would be the issue, but as you said, something to be aware of.