Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
[quote=bobarian;1389281]Interesting. Splits can occur randomly although they can be an indication of high humidity. Sometimes with active humidification like yours the sticks closer to the source will be slightly higher rh. But as to the cause of the unwrapping at the cap I am stumped. If its just a stick or two maybe it was just a random occurrence, more than that I would look deeper for cause.
Thank you. I'm beginning to think "random", as I pulled another hundred or so sticks out ( a bunch of different stuff I've bought as singles or fivers, and keep in boxes I got at the B & M) and found no other sticks showing splits. Good exercise for me, though, taking them out and rolling them to "feel" how humid they are. I think I need to drop the rh down to 65 or so...