So I bottled my first batch the other night.
Not sure if this is what it is supposed to look like when I opened the fermenter?
I didn't expect to see so much crud floating on the top.
My first batch yielded 37 bottles.
I dumped about 1/2 a gallon plus down the sink.
I was too nervous about getting the gunk on the bottom of the bucket in my beer.
I think until I get the hang of the auto siphon, I will use a secondary.
I figure it will allow me to get more of the beer from the bucket.
If I get some gunk in the secondary, it will settle before I siphon to the bottling bucket.
Tasting the beer, it was a little bitter on the finish.
Not too bitter, just more than I was expecting.
I'm sure once it's cold and carbed it will be better.
I currently have a Baltic Porter fermenting in another bucket for a week.
I also managed to snag 2 - 23 liter glass carboys from amazon.
$30 free shipping.
Can I ferment in these or are they just for clearing?