Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermeter?
Breakfast stout- Founders clone with liberties taken to result in a lower gravity brew. Wound up hitting 1.084
10.0lb American Two-row Pale
1.25lb Flaked Oats
0.75lb American Chocolate
0.5lb Roasted Barley
0.37lb Crystal 120L
0.37lb Black Patent Malt
0.3lb Coffee @5minutes
0.25lb Bakers Chocolate @15minutes
0.75oz Columbus @60minutes
1.0oz Willamette @15minutes
Also brewed an Old Foghorn clone that had an OG of 1.128. That ones going down for a loooooong nap.
Anyone using hopville as a recipe calculator? If so I'm brewing under the same screen-name.