Originally Posted by Kreth
Finally picked up a PS3 on craigslist, a fat 80Gb, and no, not the backwards compatible one. It came with GTA IV and Black Ops. So what's good in the FPS and RPG genres? Mainly looking for stuff I can find cheap on Amazon and craigslist. A co-worker said I can have last year's Madden when the new one comes out in a couple of weeks. Other than that, I'll pick up the Tiger Woods Masters game when I find a used copy, and SOCOM 4 (my favorite PS series) as well. Not much interest in driving, dancing or "goofy" games, I have the Wii for the cartoonish stuff.
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Must have games in the FPS & RPG Genre:
Uncharted 1 & 2
Red Dead Redemption
Resistance 1& 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Assassin's Creed 2 & Brotherhood
That's off the top of my head and all of these should be relatively cheap.