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Old 08-22-2011, 03:59 AM   #61
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Default Re: How do you buy your smokes?

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
I'm with Scott, I smoke one cigar. If I like it I buy a box, if I don't I move on to others.

Sometimes another one will randomly come my way via trade or a friend wants me to give it a second shot and if it's good it was meant to be and I'll get a box. If not it further reinforces the fact that the cigar is not for me.

Other than that there is maybe 2-3 peoples opinions I trust (based solely on flavor profile) and a maybe 1-2 reviewers I trust.

I refuse to buy 10-15 cigars to make up my mind on a box. That's about half a box right there. May as well have bought it and probably got a good enough deal that it would be 25% more to get a full box instead of half.
I can agree with this, I just honestly can't see myself buying a box unless I find for a really good price, I am enjoying singles and samples at the moment.
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