Originally Posted by novasurf
Pete....I'm am happy that it did not turn out for the worse in your case. You may be aware that I lost my home to a fire last September, (not due to roasting). We have not even started rebuilding. So do take care up front.
So fellas....please leave no roaster unattended. Clean out chaff collectors (a popular source for ignition).
And no RUI (roasting under the influence) ever. 
I had heard the bad news Norm and am glad it wasn't worse.
Although it wasn't funny at all, your FB updates mentioned you were drinking hotel coffee at one point and I felt extra bad for you.
Speaking of chaff, the incident prompted me to take the sides off the Behmor and I was amazed at the amount of chaff inside the roaster that I removed with an air compressor.
I won't roast under the influence because with my luck, I'd end up with roasted nuts.