Thread: True Blood
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Old 08-17-2011, 07:55 AM   #291
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Default Re: True Blood

Maybe now that she's not with Hoyt any more, we'll get to see more of naughty Jessica. When she was dreaming, I was thinking...WTF?!?! I wonder if she'll turn into some badass working for Bill, now, though, since Hoyt and Jason both rescinded their invitations.

I am really not a fan of the witches. I just don't like them. I know you need to have a bad guy to balance things out, but I just don't like that storyline.

So, the spirit that took over Lafayette...was her man in the flashback the husband of Caroline Bellefleur? I missed an episode, so I don't know if that's been explained.

It would be good to have Eric get his edge back, yet still be with Sookie. Just my

Luna's ex is a werewolf. Hmmm....wonder what that kid is going to be like...shifter and werewolf. I sense there will be something with him and Alcide, though, too.
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