Re: Partially Smoked Cigar
I make habit to purge my cigar whenever I sit it down, mostly because there's a real good chance it'll go out and I'll have to relight. There's a BIG difference between relighting a cigar that's gone cold full of smoke and one that wasn't full of smoke. I've smoked cigars the next day, or even after a number of days, that sat in the ashtray. It's not ideal, but it's not bad.
If it's a cheapo, I'm just going to chuck it if it's gone out and sat for awhile, or if it sucked to begin with.
A cigar I've been smoking isn't going in the house, let alone my humidor. I can't begin to imagine how bad that'd foul up my cigars.
I guess it boils down to "which cigar", as to whether I'm going to recycle it or throw it out.