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Old 08-15-2011, 09:02 AM   #12
Conch Republican
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Default Re: Partially Smoked Cigar

I re-light all the time. Set it down, let it go out.
When you want to re-light, pick up cigar, knock ash off, Purge (Blow through the cigar - opposite way you puff), then roast the end of the cigar until there is a glow all the war around the outside. Purge again for a full 3-5 seconds, then re-light.

Caveat Emptor - my taste buds are shot and I smoke Cain F for breakfast. Biggest takeaway - do what works for you. (I never use the plastic bag trick (or the snuffer) because I found the smell permeates the cigar - that one got to my taste buds!! )
"Ceiling fan stirs the air, the cigar smoke does swirl" --Jimmy Buffett
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Last edited by Conch Republican; 08-15-2011 at 09:09 AM.
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