Originally Posted by s15driftking
95. s14. sr20det, 550 injectors and supporting mods. 20psi. t28 from an s14 SR.
built suspension. rolled rear fenders. currently running cheapo (came with the car) 18x9 +20 on all corners.
Cant wait to get it on the track. its jsut about ready to go. i currently havea mine's ECU that is limiting me. Going with EMance this week.
Nice I miss my 180's and 240's
If you search 2006 memorial day drift exhibition in you tube that's the last drift day I did in japan. Im the silver s14....
I wish I had the time and money to get back into it. I really miss it. I was close to having a nopi license but had car trouble the day before qualifing.......o well