Thread: Scam Alert!
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Old 08-10-2011, 08:49 PM   #6
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Default Re: Scam Alert!

Originally Posted by Drez View Post
Shawn don't let it stress you to much brother. I have had this happen 2 times to me and within a hour or two of me calling bank of America the money was refunded whilethey investigate. They should also not charge you the overdraft fees cause it was not your fault.

While it does suck it should all get worked out. Like I said it's happened to me 2 times and a few people I know and it usually gets fixed pretty quick.

Hang in there brother
I had the same thing happen and like Frank said an hour or so on the phone and they gave me a credit while they investigated. At the end of the investigation they will send you a letter that tells you the money is a permanent refund. If you explain what happened they will refund the fees as well. I wouldn't miss work unless the bank specifically tells you to come in but that is just me. Just call them and explain what happened and let their fraud department handle it. They are pretty good when it comes to this kind of thing as it happens all of the time. Good luck brother and I very sorry to hear this happened.
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