I was in New Orleans this past saturday on a B&M tour. We went to four shops and had a blast!
We ate at a resturant/bar in the 'Quarter called Yo Mama's. I had one of the best peanut butter burgers I've ever had! I paid with my debt card and never thought twice about it. Went to four shops and all the cigar purchases were done on my credit card (except for one and I watched the debitcard and it never left my sight), and the drinks were paid in cash.
Tonight, I check my debit card account and I am in the negative... WAY in the negative!

I look and I have two charges I don't remember making. One for "peoplefinders.com" and one right after it at "walmart.com"... Hmmm....
Im thinking someone wrote down my debit card number and used it at peoplefinders to get my home (billing) address on a "trial offer". They then claimed not to like the site and got a refund. So im cleared up on that, it was only $14.95.
Then they went to Walmart.com and hit me up for $384 n change!!!! So they entered my card number, and billing address (gotten from peoplefinders) and shipped the item(s) to them as a "gift".

Some gift! (Sombish is what I really want to say!)
A gift that left me high-n-dry and I didn't have any money to feed my family for supper tonight. Luckily, the misses had some money stashed away so we could eat... I was so aggrevated that I didn't eat my pizza....
I called and finally got ahold of VISA so they could cancel my card so I couldn't buy them any more "gifts". Now I am going to be charged NSF fees of $25+ for each transaction past when the account went to negative...
Now, tomorrow I have to miss work and hopefully they will give me sick time for the loss time to go to my bank with my case number from VISA and get the ball rolling for them to investigate the charge(s). Hopefully I can get my money back, its just a matter of how long it will take to get it!
Im not 100% sure of where my card number was aquired at, but read into the story... you'll catch on.
Im so aggrevated right now, I could eat rocks!
Moral of the story:
NEVER give anyone your credit/debit card in a "tourist" town.....
The bad thing is,
I am not a tourist and I will be back..... very soon!
The good thing is, I don't have the gas money to go to New Orleans tonight; because I really want to go!