Thread: Games thread!
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Old 08-10-2011, 12:48 PM   #1095
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Originally Posted by WittyUserName View Post
Just a quick factoid on Diablo 3. It is going to be online play only, must have an internet connection. Also the Auction House (AH) will take in game currency as well as real money.

Game is ruined IMO
I've heard a lot of people say they thought the game was ruined...but I don' think so at all.

The fact that it is online only is lame, I'll admit (even though I only ever played D1 and D2+Expansion online). But most people seem to take offense at the idea of real currency being used to buy items.

Keep in mind that those items are only for sale from other players and still have limits on them as far as level goes (iirc). The absolute end-game items probably won't be available for a while anyway because they are a player-to-player transaction and not player-to-blizzard. And lets be honest - purchasing virtual goods for cash in WoW, D2LoD, EQ, any online game has been around for a while. What they are doing is legalizing the act, protecting the consumer, and taking some off the top for themselves.

I can see where the fears are coming into play...but I can't see it really being a game killer. Is it a game changer? Of course - any new mechanic is. But I doubt that it is going to be as utilized as people fear it will be.
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