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Old 08-10-2011, 10:51 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by elderboy02 View Post
Damn. This is what I do for a living and I am baffled by this...

Let me think some more.
Yeah. It seems to be a doozy. And I have no training in access and I haven't done any form of "coding" (if you can call what I did coding) in YEARS. The power of google is strong with this one so far

Originally Posted by CigarNut View Post
I would put

Msgbox "[UserID] ='" & [TempVars]![tvCurrentUser] & "'"

right at the top of the routine just in case.
It returned the stored TempVar - Needhal (my test loginID - built out with certain specs seperate of what I will actually use). It is pulling the correct value - the kink in the chain has to be that it does not understand what to do if the box is set to No. I checked the property sheet to ensure [Event Procedure] was listed in the "On Click" field and it was/is. I'll keep trying to google it and figure it out. Most of what googling has returned so far is not having [Event Procedure] in the right place (which also doesn't make sense. If access doesn't know to look for the VBA code and therefore ISN'T running it...why does it kick back an error )
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