Thread: True Blood
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Old 08-09-2011, 10:02 AM   #263
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Default Re: True Blood

Jessica? Dead? I don't think that is possible. Obviously, Jason saves the day. I mean we did hear a gunshot in the last scene. But that makes me think too, right before it cuts to Jessica, we see the security guard with a gun and not Jason. But then again, I'm pretty sure Jason was in uniform and had a gun too. My money is on Jason.

I still want Eric to die, but I realize that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

The Tommy/Sam bit is getting super old and fast.

The witch portion is slowly getting my attention, it is getting interesting for sure.

I'm also starting to dislike Jesus, not sure why though.

We needed more info about Arlene and Mikey....

Sookie is still boring at the moment, she used to be the highlight of the show, not right now.
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