Originally Posted by SvilleKid
I have to go with Mario on every description!, including the G2 not being that impressive. The Blue, Red and White Labels are all good smokers that I've completely enjoyed. The Expresso was tops!!! But haven't had an Expresso in several years. If you check on CigarBid, and keep an eye out, you may can score a fiver of one or more of the brands for a very reasonable price. For some reason, the crystals (white label) always seemed to sell higher then the red (original series) or blue (professional series) labels.
CBid's where I got my mazzo of DE's last time. Otherwise I've seen them fetch up to $30 each in B&M's. I've seen the Crstal in a B&M for $25+ and even online they are still pricey. I think it's one of their higher dollar smoke.
I'm glad we share some similar tastes, Cliff. Especially for lemonade!
Originally Posted by scotch&stogies
Awesome. Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.
You are most welcome. If you can get a good price on the ones you speak of, I'd say pull the trigger. I now I've wanted to try those but don't have the cash flow anymore to be buying very many cigars at all.