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Old 08-06-2011, 07:38 AM   #1491
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Default Re: Official MMA Thread

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX View Post
It looks like the reign of the Last Emperor is "officially" over. 3 losses in a row for Fedor. Such a shame that the mighty have fallen.
Alright someone has to say it. (pretty much all of this)

From a former UFC fan to a mostly non watcher since Pride went away.

First off I think the Hendo-Fedor stop was weak as hell. Hendo hit him a few times sure but they didn't even give him a chance to get up or try to? 3 seconds after Fedor gets dropped down it was 3 seconds even enough time for someone to do anything? Especially a fighter of Fedors caliber, he should have gotten more time.

Seems like a setup for Dana to get the last laugh (kicking Fedor out because it took so long to get him.) He promptly kicks Fedor out. However he says Wanderlei Silva stays in the UFC no matter what his record is. Same with many other fighters. He has a grudge against Fedor.

Were all the Pride fighters on roids? They were all legends (Nogueira, Fedor, Cro Cop, Shogun, Wanderlei Silva) yet they are doing terrible in the UFC.

Is the cage to octagon THAT much of a difference?

Nogueira was knocked senseless in Pride for 33 fights, never got tko'd or ko'd it happens twice in 5 UFC fights?

Fedor never loses...28 fights in a row. He suffers 3 losses in a row under the UFC?

Cro Cop has a highlight reel of wicked head kicks, yet in the UFC he has yet to knock one fighter out with a head kick? Also why did he let Dos Santos beat the fight he walks right up to Dos Santos, lets him get a headlock clinch and knee the crap out of him.

Wanderlei Silva has 2 wins and 4 losses in the UFC. He was fighting A LOT more in Pride too, now he's got 6 fights in almost 4 years? Trains more, wins less

Shogun 6 fights in the UFC, loses half of them? How? His first fight he gases out? I just don't get it.

Rampage is doing OKAY, but all his fights are going to decision. Not the Pride rampage we all know and love. 6 out of his 9 fights went to decision

Are the rules in UFC not to their liking? This Hendo held Fedor for 2.5 minutes against the cage just doing minimal damage, is that wearing out these fighters out?

What gives, I want to know.

They all cannot be getting too old to fight.

Was Steroids the answer to all of my questions? Is the UFC out to get all the Pride fighters to prove the UFC always had the best fighters?

Are the refs getting paid off?

Bad matchups? What is it?

Are fighters like Cro Cop not interested in the poorly skilled opponents they are given and just taking the easy paychecks? I mean name one fighter that, according to Cro Cops Pride standards (BARELY losing to Fedor, whipping Big Nog around quite a bit), Cro Cop should have been fighting? MAYBE Mir? Everyone else on his list is mostly a no name fighter. Prior to fighting Cro Cop Dos Santos only beat ONE fighter with a name, Werdum. Mirko came into the UFC with back-back wins over Barnett and Wanderlei Silva in the same day, yet he gets Sanchez in the UFC? GTFO Here.

So many questions......Anyone have any ideas. This is why I stopped enjoying MMA.

No matter what this obviously answers the P4P king of the world question : Anderson Silva

/end ...this isn't really a rant more or less a very large series of questions.
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