Thread: The Wolfman
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Old 08-05-2011, 03:37 PM   #28
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Default Re: The Wolfman

Originally Posted by kickerb View Post
So, help me out. This will be the 1st Halloween release since I've started smoking.

When these are released, where can I buy some? Are they always sold from the same retailers?

Thanks for the heads up.
Oh man, it's nuts. Last year they posted the list of the 13 retailers on the tatuaje site. Usually you have to call and get on a list pretty quickly and if they have their S together you may get a call back to be able to buy them. After that the smaller boxes go to the other retailers. After chasing a box last year and smoking one of the cigars it was not worth it for me. I think the best way is through some brotherly love or a box split. Although it seems like enough had been released to find some shortly after all the madness.
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