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Old 08-02-2011, 11:24 PM   #18
...Amigo De Todos...
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Default Re: Connecticut Shade in Cubans?

Funny thing is that Conneticut Shade originated from a cuban seed Hazelwood strain and the process for growing Conneticut Shade employs the Cuban technique of tabaco tapado (covering tobacco plants with cheesecloth from the sun to get lighter colored wrapper). The soil in Cuba is the best for growing the best tobacco in the world let alone wrapper. Why buy the milk in the U.S. if the cow is in your backyard for free...

Totally untrue that a cuban puro uses U.S. grown Conneticut Shade wrappers in their cigars. If anything the original strain for Conneticut Shade is Cuban so the statement could be true if this varietal was or is still being used at some point but I don't believe it is true anymore...
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