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Old 07-29-2011, 06:40 AM   #2516
Suck It
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

OMG it is the weekend already! As little as I do on a Friday, I call it the weekend. This weekend is special, because
I have to be VERY careful not to rush it or waste it. I am in the Smokies all next week, but I can't arrive before Monday
morning, so there is no need to rush through the weekend to hurry up and get the Smokies here faster. I need to
cook up 4 racks of BBRs on Sunday, I have a butt pulled and seasoned and sauced in the freezer to take with me, and
I might cold smoke some catfish after I am all done with the meat. The smoker gets a real workout this weekend. I might
get by the Kroooger store and check on reduced meat and have a marathon Smokeapalooza.
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