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Old 07-28-2011, 07:53 PM   #14
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Default Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
65%RH is 65%RH no matter what the temperature. It's because it's the humidity relative to the temperature.
Guys start thinking about how much water is in the air relative to the temperature and that's what gets sticky. For our intents and purposes, there's almost exactly the same amount of water in the air at any of the temperature ranges in which we keep cigars.
If you smear some math on it, you'll find the difference between 65% at 65 degrees and 65% at 75 degrees is almost nil. It's definately nil enough for us not to worry about it.

Anthony, if you're gonna sweat beetles, find the "how to freeze your cigars" thread and get to it. Then you won't have to worry about beetles.
I'd comment to your last post, but I'm not really sure what you're asking. I think you're saying that your vino is 73 degrees and 65%RH. That's fine. Actually, it's awesome. Mine beside my desk is 79 degrees and 60% right now. That's fine, too. IIRC, beetle eggs won't even hatch until spending extended periods at 80 degrees, and the odds of any being present are fairly slim. I've seen exactly one beetle among literally thousands of cigars. I think that's pretty fair odds.

The reason your RH in your vino drops is because water vapor condenses and accumulates on the cold evaporator. It's what it's supposed to do, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, and it's not harmful to anything.

Go have a cigar, you're all excited about nothing, my man.
Don't mean to get off topic, but I had heard beetles could be a problem as low as 70 degrees. If this is true, woohoo!, I'm setting up a coolerdore now, as it doesn't get much above 75 where I'll store it. Thanks, you've made my day! Time to buy!!!

As far as RH, I have to agree with what everyone here said. A few degrees, even as much as 20, will not make much of a difference in how much moisture the air will hold. Store 'em, smoke 'em, and relax!
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