More enjoyment at 60%
Recently, I have been enjoying my smokes alot drier than I used to. I have noticed a much better burn and what I am percieving as better flavors. I am thinking that the flavors are more due to not having to try to suck the cigar inside out through the cap since I am drawing so hard than the RH. I am not really sure what the exact RH is at the moment, seeing as one of my hygros died the other day and the others are just as old, but I am assuming drier than what I used to smoke at since there is a noticable (and positive) difference on burn, flavor, and draw.
I am not interested in a discussion of why one RH is better for aging or this or that, there are a million threads for that. I was just wondering what do you all find to be a good RH for you for your actual smoking. I also have no intention of replacing my hygros either, does anyone run without them and what are your results if you do.
Insert clever and witty comment here.