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Old 07-27-2011, 10:17 AM   #19
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Default Re: Lars Tetens Cigars?

Originally Posted by Subvet642 View Post
Exactly. I'm pretty sure that my ashtray isn't infused... However, the LVHs I bought were friggin' nasty.
The new LVHs are a mixed filler bargain smoke made specifically for CI.

The old LVHs were an entirely different cigar, long filler, w/ cameroon capas. Pretty decent cigar actually,

The long-gone LVH Early Years with the broadleaf maduro capas were actually a rather high quality product but CI sold them at such a deep discount it was ridiculous.

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Yup. I probably should have been clearer. Not all his infused stuff is horrid, either. The Javas and Kahluas aren't awful, I've kept them around in the past for the ladies to smoke and they've enjoyed them. It's that floral goo flavor I was alluding to. It's enough to gag a maggot off a gut-wagon.
Yeah, I hear you. ACIDs aren't for me either. Lot of people like them though - they sell like mad.

I do keep some Tabak Especial negras around, pretty much for the same reason as you did.
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