I think most would say to stay clear of Thompson. I have used CI and Famous Smoke without any real complaints. The only issues have been damaged cigars in shipping with CI but they sent replacement cigars and told me to keep the damaged ones. I normally shop on Cigar Bid (Owned by Cigars International) or Cigar Auctioneer (owned by Famous Smoke). Everyone has their own opinion about companies but I have had great success with these companies and I would say that about 85% of my cigars have come from them. You can also check other websites such as Cigarsatyourprice.com That website works by allowing you to put in what you will pay for the cigars and it automatically tells you if it is accepted. Start really low and work your way up when you are putting in the amount. I have found some great deals on there as well. The only problem is shipping charges. You might also want to check out Cigarmonster.com and joecigar.com for great deals. Cigar Monster deals change hourly wheras Joe Cigar deals are daily (unless they do this special thing where it is hourly lol). I believe these are also owned by CI and FS but a majority of the time they have great deals on 5 packs, 10 packs, and samplers with free shipping to boot. Sorry if this is all overwhelming or confusing but I hope it helps.