Originally Posted by kickerb
Damn! We came so close to seeing Jessica naked. What a freaking tease! 
No $#it!!! Is it bad that I'm really hoping she goes for it at some point?
I liked the episode, and the "new" Eric has me laughing all the time! I like what they've done with his character. My wife loves the fact that he walks around with his shirt off all the time. LOL I also laughed at the reaction that the lawyer had to Bill after he glamoured her. Now to the things that will evolve in the next few episodes. Jesus and Lafayette down in Mexico with Jesus' grandfather...that may provide something big, it seems. Lafayette may be more powerful that he or anyone else realizes. They seemed to hint at that when he joined the circle at the group. I really really hate Marnie. Can't wait for them to kill her off. But with the info that they provided about the witch who burned at the stake necromancing the vamps to their deaths at that time, I wonder if/who will fall under that spell? And the Hoyt/Jessica saga...will he ever decide to be changed? In order for that to work out, I think he will eventually have to give in and allow her to change him. Jason...will he turn into a panther or not? Next week will be a full moon, so we shall see. Alcide and the local pack...will Debbie be pulled back into being a V addict? It seems it might happen. How much more of Pam's face will fall off? How far into the V spiral will Andy fall? And what about Terry and Arlene and the baby...that should be a good one. And then the big question...what will happen with the Bill/Sookie/Eric triangle now? Only time will tell for all of these.