Originally Posted by Blak Smyth
My personal feelings are these guys are being paid millions of dollars to "play" a game. Let them hit and get hit. There are risks and they are fully aware of them. If they don't want to take the risks somebody else will. It is a sport and should not be compared to a job. I don't wish harm on anybody, but I do want to see hard hits.
The NFL is a 15 billion dollar a year business, it's far from a "game". Players are multi-million dollar entertainers. To not protect that investment to some degree would make no sense whatsoever.
Players, owners, and the NFL are all going to do anything they can to protect players, and rightfully so.
Can you expand on your comment "it is a sport and should not be compared to a job"? Those boys definitely work their asses off, and they have an extremely demanding job, both mentally and physically. One of the toughest in the world from a physical standpoint.
That said, I don't want to see the game changed, and I get a bug up my ass every time a new rule is instituted. I also don't want a guy to suffer a career ending open field hit that could be tuned down a bit, so it's tough to swallow new rules, especially when they're pointed straight at my Steelers.
The new contract cuts out a lot of non-gameday hitting, and that'll help with all the wear and tear on these guys that leads to injury. I'm hoping that translates to even more intensity at game time, and I think it will. It'll also help keep players playing rather than sitting on the bench, which is good for all us fans.