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Old 07-21-2011, 02:51 PM   #19
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

Originally Posted by replicant_argent View Post
Think about what you said here, leave his things alone. Advice given, and worth the you didn't pay for it.
Well I know he smokes cigars but I don't know how frequently. He has only smoked a few times in front of me and we don't hangout everyday so I have no way of telling.

I don't know. I think that the cigar forum people, us, are a different breed. To most of those here cigars are almost holy and if someone touches your sh!t you freak out lol. Idk it's not that big of a deal to me. I wouldn't care if someone came in and looked at my stash as long as they didn't take anything or hurt them. If the cigars were on the verge of being ruined and they saved them they I would be grateful. This is only a 25 count humidor we are talking about here. It is not like it is some of the 3000+ count humidors. I planned on asking him about it all next week though when they get back. I think you guys have blown this way out of proportion.