I've only sailed with Celebrity and Carnival. For what it's worth I vowed never to sail with Carnival again. It just wasn't a good experience while Celebrity was the complete opposite and we really enjoyed ourselves. My biggest complaint about Celebrity at least the ship that we sailed on was there was literally one bar to smoke cigars and it was at the back of the boat and most nights it was windy so it kind of put a damper on really enjoying the stick. I have also heard great things about Royal Caribbean from friends who have sailed with them. We looked at Norwegian but our Travel Agent talked us out of it because she said we may not enjoy ourselves as much as most people on those ships tend to be 55+. I'm 35 and my wife is 33 so I guess that is why she tried talking us out of it but now that I think about it that really wouldn't bother me since we tend to be more layed back and usually prefer a mellow surrounding when we're on vacation. I was attracted to Norwegian because they seemed to have the most cigar friendly ships.(Yes, my wife rolled her eyes at me when I brought this up when booking our last cruise

) I'm sure many people love Carnival as my parents cruise with them at least once a year and my brother and sister in-law cruise with them all the time. Our last cruise with them was so plagued with issues that I just refuse to spend my money with them again.