Re: Help With Humidor
I agree with Adam. I see the trust issue they are talking about, and even though your intentions are good, someone could mistake your actions as untrustworthy. YOU know you only mean to help. But HE may see it differently.
Now, since it's a family friend, it depends on how close they are, and what the general "feel" of the relationship is to make a determined decision about what to do. But, we don't know the situation. Therefore, we must advise on the side of caution, and recommend nothing be done to remedy his cigar issue.
Would I be pissed if a family friend's BF opened my humi when they were housesitting for me? Maybe a little, but after knowing they were actually into the hobby seriously, and not just poking around my stuff, I would not be mad in the slightest. BUT, I am not him.
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your ATTITUDE about the problem.